Saturday, November 07, 2009

Hello Friends! As you can see it’s been a while since my last post. It’s not as if I stopped running or training with the group — it’s more about how I use my time. Anyway, I had a terrific run this morning with the Donna Foundation training group. Fourteen miles with beautiful weather and several hundred incredibly committed individuals. This is my fourth year with the “Fasties” and obviously they are now more than just running acquaintances. There is a maturing kindred spirit that permeates our friendship. Together our purpose is stronger than what we would ever understand through any individual pursuit. Together we share something special that is now a culmination of 100+ morning running sessions. How Fortunate! At the end of the video I mention Donna’s book “Through Rose Colored Glasses”. It’s a very honest take on dealing with her third cancer disruption and how she now places Love at the center of managing every day. The fact that she found the time to put this second book together is amazing — more amazing is how she writes with such fearless energy. I encourage you to get the book. Take Care. Enjoy the video.